Surgery on hip joints

Hip joints arthrosis is one of the most frequent diseases of our time involving complaints of the movement organs, and several causes have been revealed. Biological ageing, overweight, lifestyles with insufficient movement, development disorders, various injuries and excessive sports activities may trigger or accelerate the damage of joints. Arthrosis involves pain in the joints, and often couples with a limp or limited movement. If conservative therapies fail to bring about the desired results, surgery involving the implant of a prosthesis may be performed. In the course of the surgery, an implant is built in the place of the damaged hip joints.

The procedure of the surgery, the technique to be applied and the type of hip joint prosthesis to be built in depend on the age and physical conditions of the patient. Unless there is a reason to the contrary, the hip prosthesis is implanted using a minimally invasive procedure, involving less intervention, pain and fewer complications as well as a shortened period of recovery.

The implant to be used for total hip joints prosthesis (TEP-total endoprosthesis) may be fixed by cement or without cement; as regards its material, it can be made of a special metal alloy, ceramics or plastic. In certain cases, earlier implanted prosthesis may need to be replaced, within the framework of hip joints prosthesis revision surgery.

Rehabilitation after hip joints prosthesis surgery has two phases.

What is referred to as early rehabilitation following the operation takes place in a hospital environment, under the supervision of a physiotherapist. This takes usually 5-10 days. 

This is followed by outpatient rehabilitation, which takes approximately 6 weeks. In the beginning, medical aids (like crutches or a walk frame) are used, which are less and less relied upon, while physical load on the patient is gradually increased, strengthening the muscles within the framework of an active, personalised mobilisation programme. For full recovery, physiotherapeutic exercise done at home is essential, the programme of which latter is also designed by the physiotherapist.

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